Racine MultiSports is proud to announce our partnership with PPT Coaching to provide you with personalized training and coaching. PPT Coaching offers high value coaching to their clients using a driven approach, frequent communication, and proven methodologies to ensure success. Recently we met up with USAT Certified Coach and owner of PPT Coaching, Brett Jenner, and asked him a few questions.


Q: Tell us a little about yourself?

A: My degrees are in Mathematics and Engineering, so I tend to enjoy the analytics of coaching and sport. While investing in say, a power meter for example, isn’t for everyone there can be high value in simply having a smart plan based off of basic metrics like heart rate.

I’ve traveled all over for my work and have lived in Frederick, Maryland and Harrisonburg, Virginia before settling in now closer to my wife’s family in Pennsylvania where we live with our 18month old daughter.


Q: How did you get started in coaching?

A:  In 2008 I did my first full Ironman event and started coaching some friends shortly after. In 2012 when I moved to Virginia I began coaching the triathlon club at James Madison University and continue to do so today.  For the first few years when I was just coaching my friends, I didn’t charge them anything and I can’t stress enough how much I learned during this time.  I’ve grown a lot personally as a coach since then and the training platform I use, Training Peaks, has also changed a lot since that time.


Q:  What services do you offer?

A:  Triathlon, duathlon, and multi-sport training is my bread and butter.  That said, all triathletes could benefit from improving their efficiency in the water so I do provide one-on-one stroke improvement sessions for triathletes and have received a lot of great feedback from these and the feeling of helping someone become more efficient in the water is what I love about coaching.

For years I have been putting on triathlon training camps and this year am pleased to announce our July 8th, 2017 Luray Triathlon Clinic (Stay-tuned for more info on that).  This venue is so beautiful and the race itself is very well run making it a true gem.  On July 8th we will give those who sign up for our clinic a shot at training on the same course as the race (invaluable if you are signed up or even thinking of doing this race) while also providing valuable instruction to ensure those who attend feel well prepared.


Q: What services do you hope to offer in the future?

A:  Coming very soon we will offer race-specific training plans for those who are doing the Luray Sprint or Olympic distance races.  This venue is unique, yet challenging, and these plans are tailored specifically for the challenges an athlete will face on race day.  A great way to be fully prepared and to leave no question about being 100% race ready when the gun goes off over Lake Arrowhead.


Q: What is unique about your approach to coaching?

A:  We use a data driven approach to coaching using the Training Peaks platform to ensure our athletes are well prepared and 100% race ready.  There is nothing worse than lining up to a race with butterflies in your stomach and not being 100% confident in your preparation for your “A” race.


Q: What’s your biggest success story in coaching?

A:  While I’ve coached athletes into big races and had them qualify for Kona, 70.3 World Championships, Age Group Worlds, and be 1st Overall at races – success is defined differently for each athlete.  As a coach, my biggest successes are those instances where I have been able to teach sport to an athlete and then help take them to achieve their full potential.


Q: Why did you choose to partner with Racine MultiSports?

A:  Racine Multisports offer well-run local races – many of which I’ve done myself so it is a natural fit.


Q: How long have you know Ken Racine, owner of Racine MultiSports?

A:  I first met Ken in 2010 when I lived in Frederick.  He and his team have a lot of passion for what they do and, since that time, have really done well at growing while continuing to offer a great local event experience.


Q: How do you feel you can help Racine MultiSports athletes?

A:  These events are great and each race offers a different challenge.  For any athlete looking to improve, we can help.


Q: Which is your favorite Racine MultiSports event that you have participated in and why?

A: Tough question.  Let’s call it a toss up between the Hagerstown Duathlon and the Luray Triathlon (with Fort Ritchie coming in a close second).  Luray because of the unique and beautiful venue and atmosphere.  Hagerstown simply because it was the first race that I was ever in the lead at the start – due to a questionable pacing plan, lol.  Both are great events.

For More Information about PPT coaching visit. www.racinemultisports.com/coaching/